Hello! Thanks you so much for expressing interest in this powerful applications masterclass. I am so excited for you to join us to gain support for your vision for the principles and to evolve your understanding for the principles and increasing your impact in sharing them with others.

During this monthly program you will:

  • Understand what “grounding” really means and feel comfortable about your understanding of the principles.
  • Get in touch with the source of peace, clarity and wisdom that you carry within you.
  • Become aware of your stumbling blocks, and what’s been getting in your way until now.
  • Avoid the common pitfalls that confront three principles practitioners.
  • Find the certainty that you have realized enough about the principles to start sharing now.
  • Have a step by step action plan for moving forward with your three principles practice.
  • Start feeling refreshed, peaceful and inspired about your three principles work.

Here are the details for our class:


The foundational element of the Three Principles Applications Masterclass is a two-hour meeting to be held over the Internet once a month for 10 months.
Classes will be conducted as a webinar and everyone who is part of the meeting will get a webinar link to each month’s meeting a few days before the meeting.

This will be an interactive class with learning taking place through discussion, feedback, listening to tapes (optional), and lecture.

Exclusive Pricing:

The class is priced at $2000USD. However, for the second year of the Applications Masterclass group, I am keeping the pricing only at $997USD.  Hurry though…I am limiting this first class to 15 places.

BONUS: Those who register and pay in full by February 1, 2017 will receive a free one hour  individual coaching session with me.

Recording: Each meeting will be recorded and then sent to each participant. Only members of the Masterclass will have access to these recordings.

Email Access: Each member of the Applications Masterclass will have the opportunity to send one short email monthly with a question about the principles and their work with the principles, or a success with sharing the principles.

Videos and Audios: You will receive the videos and audios I have created that will enhance your work with the principles. They will serve to deepen the understanding of the principles, sharing with certainty, and listening for deepest impact.


The meetings take place on the 2nd Tuesday of every month starting at:
11am PST, 2pm EST and 7pm UK  for a 10 month period.

The First Three Principles Applications Masterclass begins on:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 Only for this class the starting time is 10amPST”

Dr. Mark Howard is one of the finest teachers of the inside-out understanding I’ve ever learned from. His certainty and clarity are matched by his courage, wisdom and experience. Take any chance you get to work with this extraordinary coach and teacher.”  — Jamie Smart author of the #1 Bestseller Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance Bigger Results and “Results: Think Less. Achieve More”.

To register, use the online form below:

  • Price: $997.00