Dear Friends,

Thank you for expressing interest in our weekend workshop ‘Transformative Relationships’. We are excited to explore the potential that we all have to create enjoyable and fulfilling relationships in every area of our lives.

During this two day event you will have the opportunity to learn how to:

  • Live in contentment with those around you
  • Enjoy conversations effortlessly and easily
  • Stop trying to change yourself or other people
  • Get over past hurt and live more in the moment
  • Make connections that will transform your personal and professional life
  • Start feeling refreshed, peaceful and contented about your relationships

Here are the details for our weekend together:

Structure and timings:

The seminar will take place on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th February 2015 at the Zetter Townhouse Hotel in London. Each day will run from 10am until 4pm with registration from 9.30am. It will be an interactive workshop with learning taking place through discussion, feedback and lecture. There will be no pressure to talk or share unless you choose and the feeling will be relaxed and informal.

Exclusive Pricing:

The weekend seminar is priced at £395. However, we have given it a special pricing of £295 if you register before February 1, 2015. Please note that seating at this event is limited so early booking will ensure your place.

To book your place, please click on the following link that will take you to the payment page on Katie’s website:

We very much look forward to welcoming you in February and if you have any questions in the meantime, you are welcome to contact us at any time.

Contact Mark at: or (650) 255-0460.

Contact Katie at: or (0044) 7725 691 303


Warm regards,

Mark and Katie


Mark is long on experience and talent. Absolute expert of improving the well-being in people.” — Linda and Geroge Pransky, Pransky and Associates, LaConner, Washington


I love Mark Howard! He is one of the most caring people I have met in a field known for caring about people, and his simple wisdom and deceptive skill make him a spectacular mentor for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and find their own unique expression of the principles. If you get the chance to work with him, take it!”
 — Michael Neill, international bestselling author of ‘The Inside-Out Revolution’


Katie has a light in her eye that reveals her understanding.  Her delight in life is evident.  Our conversations have been lively and deepening.  You will be fortunate to hear her share her understanding of the Principles.”
Dicken Bettinger, founder of Three Principles Mentoring

 Katie Abbott has more access to her heart than any other person I know! She creates the perfect space for people to sort our what they really feel!”
Bill Cumming, Director of the Boothby Institute